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Called Meeting Set for Saturday, August 18 to Consider the Creation Study Committee's Final Report

The meeting will be held in the Wilcox Building Fireplace Room at Christ Covenant Church and will begin at 1:00 p.m. and adjourn by 4:00 p.m. 

August 12, 2001 - At its January stated meeting, Central Carolina Presbytery appointed a study committee to "bring recommendations to presbytery concerning allowable exceptions on views of creation." Three documents were referred to the presbytery's Creation Study Committee(CSC):

  1. An overture from Faith PCA Mount Mourne on the creation length of days issue.
  2. A paper by TE Dan Bartel entitled, "Does the corruption of all creation in Romans 8:20-22, of necessity, mean the death of all animal life?"
  3. The PCA’s Creation Study Committee report that was presented to the 28th General Assembly in Tampa in June 2000.

At its April stated meeting, the Presbytery approved the following motion as amended:

"In keeping with the instructions given to it at the January Presbytery meeting, the Creation Study Committee recommends that Presbytery call a special meeting for Saturday, August 18. The meeting will be at Christ Covenant Church and will begin at 1:00 p.m. and adjourn by 4:00 p.m. At that August 18 called meeting, the Creation Study Committee will present its final report and the Presbytery will consider any recommendations from the Creation Study Committee."

On August 8, the Creation Study Committee issued its Final Report with 4 recommendations and 5 appendixes:

Appendix A - "Slippery Slope Exam Tool"
Appendix B - "Tough Questions List"
Appendix C - "The Westminster Standards and the Length and Nature of Creation Days" by RE Howard Donahoe
Appendix D - "Survey of PCA Presbyteries"
Appendix E - "Creature Mortality: From Creation or the Fall?" by Dr. John C. Munday Jr.

The report and appendixes A, C, and D all have some changes from an earlier draft that was distributed at the April stated meeting.  Appendix B is entirely new.  Appendix E has no changes, except that it had previously been included as Appendix "C".

Stated Clerk TE David Frierson mailed the full report in advance of the meeting along with two overtures from Grace Church, Harrisburg and SouthLake Church. He requested that all pastors and sessions, "please read this material prayerfully and carefully. This is a very important issue so all Pastors and Sessions will want to be present and represented."

The Creation Study Committee requests that all commissioners to the August 18 meeting read the 92-page report of the PCA's Study Committee on Creation. Please feel free to contact any of the members of the CSC if you have any questions for the committee prior to the meeting:

TE Tom Hawkes
RE Bob Tarte
TE Joel McCall
RE Howie Donahoe
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