Appendix A

Slippery Slope Exam Tool


We Affirm

We Deny

Regarding Scripture



We affirm that Scripture is the inerrant word of God and self-interpreting.


We deny that an anti-supernatural view of the origins of the world (Naturalism) should be used to interpret the Scriptural account of creation.


Regarding Hermeneutics



We affirm that all teachers in the Church must support their interpretation of Scripture by the exposition of Scripture.



We deny the contention that general revelation has no bearing on our interpretation of Scripture.


We affirm that though the exposition of Scripture may take into account general revelation, Scripture is the controlling authority over general revelation.



We deny that theories held by scientific communities can be accepted over Scripture when Scripture speaks clearly to an issue.

Regarding Science and Scripture



We affirm that God’s special revelation in Scripture and general revelation in nature are in perfect accord, although finite and sinful humans may often misinterpret both special and general revelation.



We deny that Scripture must be interpreted to conform to current anti-supernatural/naturalistic scientific theories.


We affirm that when the Bible speaks to matters of history and science, such as the creation of the universe, it speaks authoritatively.





We affirm the legitimate role of science in studying God’s creation.


We deny a scientism that comes from an atheistic or deistic naturalism.



We affirm that Christian faith should oppose a naturalistic worldview.



We deny that a true Christian worldview can be reconciled with a worldview which denies God's direct action in and continued government of creation.


Regarding Creation



We affirm that God made the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1) directly by his command, from nothing.


We deny that any part of the creation came into being by chance or by any power other than the sovereign God as the first cause.



We affirm that Genesis 1 -3 is an historical, self-consistent and true account of God’s creation of the universe and mankind “in the space of six days” and of mankind’s subsequent fall into a state of sin.



We deny any doctrine that would attempt to reduce Genesis 1-3 to myth or mere symbolism without reality in space and time.


We affirm, the unique creation of Adam and Eve in God’s image, as actual human beings, who were the first parents of all humanity and Adam as the covenant head of the human race.



We deny the theory of macro-evolution (i.e., the evolution of new species from existing ones).

Regarding the Fall



We affirm the historical account of the fall found in Genesis 3, which brought humanity into a state of sin and misery and placed all of creation in bondage to decay.



We deny that creation fell into a state of bondage to decay for any reason other than those that emerge from the Fall.

Regarding The Length of the Creation Days



We affirm that although there has not been a consensus within orthodoxy on the length of the creation day, the 24 hour / calendar day view is historically the most common interpretation.



We deny that other views of the length of the days of creation are necessarily incorrect interpretations of Scripture.