Overture to Central Carolina Presbytery

"Require Exceptions for Views Other than Six 24-Hour Creation Days"

Whereas, the 29th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America in 2001 stated that, "it is the responsibility of the lower courts to determine if a man's views are in accord with the constitution, not the man himself, not the General Assembly, except in cases of judicial process," and

Whereas, the Bible, in Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11, and Exodus 31:17 teaches that God created the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them in six days, and

Whereas, our doctrinal standards (WCF 4, LC 15, and SC 9) affirm that it pleased God, by the word of his power, to create the world and all things in the space of six days, and all very good.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, with charity toward all members and with fidelity to the original authors of our confessional standards, our understanding is that, unless evidence to the contrary is found, the Westminster Standards' phrase "in the space of six days" means that the six days of creation were days of normal duration with evening and morning. Accordingly, for the peace of the church, any future candidates who differ with this original meaning should request an exception to the Confession, unless documentation that the Westminster Assembly meant otherwise is firmly established. We also pledge to make these future determinations, with care, charity, honesty and impartiality.

Unanimously approved by the Session of Grace Church, Harrisburg on August 1, 2001.

Attested by: 

/s/ Douglas D. Agnew, Moderator of Session

/s/ D. Flynt Jones, Clerk of Session

Approved by the Session of SouthLake Presbyterian Church on 7/29/01.

Attested by: 

/s/ Wade Malloy, Moderator of Session

/s/ Harold Presson, Clerk of Session

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All rights reserved.  Revised: February 15, 2025