Proposed Multiplication

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MNA Committee Proposes Overture to Multiply Central Carolina Presbytery

At its January 4, 2011 meeting, the MNA Committee approved a recommendation that CCP "vote on an overture to General Assembly to multiply Central Carolina Presbytery."  The proposed overture asks the Assembly to form a new presbytery from the northwest portion of Central Carolina Presbytery, effective July 1, 2011.  The new presbytery also includes two counties from the eastern portion of Western Carolina Presbytery.  CCP will consider the overture at its Saturday, January 22 meeting at Prosperity Presbyterian Church in Charlotte.  Western Carolina Presbytery will consider the proposal in February.

CCP MNA Report - January 5, 2011 (PDF)

Proposed Overture to "Multiply Central Carolina Presbytery and Form Additional Presbytery" - January 5, 2011 (PDF)

Draft List of Ministers on Roll - January 13, 2011 (password required)

Maps & Resources

December 27, 2010 - At the October CCP meeting, the following MNA recommendation was approved:

To move forward with CCP multiplication in 2011 starting with a northern presbytery comprised of PCA Churches in the following counties: Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Catawba, Iredell and Rowan. This motion will likely require discussion over several presbytery dates with the goal of petitioning General Assembly by April 2011.

  i. The biblical principle of multiplication
  ii. The historic precedent of presbytery multiplication
  iii. The practical reality of relationships

The consensus of those attending an informal boundary discussion on December 9 was to include the portion of Mecklenburg County and Charlotte north of I-85.  This would give the new presbytery the necessary strength to succeed in its mission.  Here are some resources regarding the proposed multiplication (Note: click here for maps and statistics of the approved overture):

Maps of Proposed Presbytery Multiplication (4-page PDF) - including the "big picture" view of all North and South Carolina presbyteries and a detail of Mecklenburg County.

Guidelines for Dividing Presbyteries approved by PCA MNA in 1997 (PDF)

Presbytery Multiplication Selected Statistics (password required)

Historical Background

Central Carolina Presbytery (CCP) was formed from Carolina Presbytery in June 1978 with ten churches, three missions, and 14 ministers. In July 2001, Piedmont Triad Presbytery was formed from CCP and included eight churches and one mission. In April 2008, a second multiplication of CCP failed on a tie vote (35-35) and the MNA Committee was encouraged "to continue studying the matter and to solicit questions from all our churches regarding the proposed Presbytery multiplication." The 2008 proposal included the above 6 counties plus Alexander, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg County north of I-485. It would have been effective at the adjournment of the fall stated meeting. In July 2009, Harnett County (including Countryside Presbyterian Church) was transferred to Eastern Carolina Presbytery. Today, CCP has 35 churches, 6 missions (including one in Prague, Czech Republic), and 96 ministers.  It is one of the largest presbyteries in the PCA.

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