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CCP Approves Overture to Multiply Central Carolina Presbytery

January 22, 2011 - In an historic vote, Central Carolina Presbytery approved an overture to the 39th PCA General Assembly to form a new presbytery from its northwestern portion, effective July 1, 2011. Upon approval the new presbytery would include the following 17 churches and one mission from CCP:

Back Creek Presbyterian Church, Mt. Ulla
East Belmont Presbyterian Church, Belmont
Faith Presbyterian Church, Mt. Mourne
First Presbyterian Church, Stanley
Freedom Presbyterian Church, Charlotte
Goshen Presbyterian Church, Belmont
Grace Church, Harrisburg
Harbor Church, Mooresville
Harvest Church, Lincolnton
Lakeshore Church, Denver
McBrayer Springs Presbyterian Church (mission), Shelby
New Hope Presbyterian Church, China Grove
NorthCross Church, Huntersville
Prosperity Presbyterian Church, Charlotte
Providence Presbyterian Church, Concord
Shearer Presbyterian Church, Mooresville
SouthLake Church, Huntersville
StoneBridge Church Community, Charlotte

The new presbytery would also include two counties from Western Carolina Presbytery and Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Hickory.  WCP will consider the proposal at its February 22 stated meeting.  See the following documents for details of the proposal:

Approved Overture to "Multiply Central Carolina Presbytery and Form Additional Presbytery" - January 22, 2011 (PDF)

Final Maps of Proposed Presbytery Multiplication (4-page PDF) - including the "big picture" view of all North and South Carolina presbyteries and a detail of Mecklenburg County.

Updated Presbytery Multiplication Statistics (PDF, password required)

2011 CCP Directory (18-page PDF, password required) - contact information with churches sorted by region.

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