August Called Meeting on Creation

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Presbytery Declines Study Committee's Confessional and Exegetical Recommendation on Creation Views

The Committee's operational recommendation will be considered at the next Stated Meeting.

August 22, 2001 - At a called meeting on Saturday, August 18, Central Carolina Presbytery heard the Final Report of its Creation Study Committee (CSC) concerning allowable exceptions on views of creation.  The Presbytery approved a motion to "consider the question informally" and agreed to consider each of the CSC's four recommendations in sequence.

Committee Chairman TE Tom Hawks presented the report and moved that the first recommendation be approved.  After much debate, this "Confessional & Exegetical" recommendation was amended to read:

The Creation Study Committee recommends that Presbytery not adopt a particular interpretation of the confessional phrase “in the space of six days” and allow some latitude in the understanding of the length of the creation days.

Time was extended several times and numerous men rose to speak on this issue.  In the end, the motion failed by a vote of 18 in favor and 33 opposed.

As the four hour meeting drew to a close, the Presbytery decided to postpone consideration of the remaining recommendations until the next Stated Meeting.

See also: Called Meeting Set for August 18
2001 Creation Study Committee
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