CSC Proposes Date for Called Meeting

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Called Meeting Proposed for Saturday, June 2 to Consider Creation Study Committee Recommendation

On April 13, the Creation Study Committee (CSC) circulated a letter outlining their intention to make the following motion at the April 28 Stated Meeting of Presbytery:

"In keeping with the instructions given to it at the January Presbytery meeting, the CSC recommends that Presbytery call a special meeting for Saturday, June 2. The meeting will be at Christ Covenant Church and will begin at 1:00 PM and adjourn by 4:30 PM. At that June 2 called meeting, the CSC will present its final report and the Presbytery will consider any recommendations from the CSC."

The CSC also circulated a three-page draft report containing five recommendations and requested feedback in advance of the meeting.  These documents can be found on pages 43-68 of the docket.  Comments may be directed to any member of the committee:

TE Tom Hawkes, Chairman RE Howard Donahoe, Secretary
TE Jerry Currin RE Miles Smith
TE Joel McCall RE Bob Tarte

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