Central Carolina Presbytery

Creation Study Committee

Rev. Jerry Currin
704-636-5916 (North Hills)
Rev. Tom Hawkes, Chairman
704-621-6933 (Uptown)
Rev. Joel McCall
704-483-3265 (Lakeshore)

RE Miles Smith
704-633-3813(North Hills)

RE Howard Donahoe, Secretary
704-321-0450 (Christ Covenant)

RE Bob Tarte

April 13, 2001

Dear Fellow Members of Presbytery,

Attached is draft 3 of the Creation Study Committee’s report.  This draft is NOT the final report.  It is still a work in progress, but at this point we invite some feedback from the members of Presbytery.

Draft 3 is a three-page report containing five recommendations, with five appendixes, totaling 25 pages. 

Please copy or email-forward the report to your elders and also to any members of the Presbytery whose names I may have omitted.

The CSC will also have hard-copies available at the April 28 Presbytery meeting.

We will discuss your feedback at the CSC meeting on May 3 when we will draft our final report.  The CSC plans to present its final report at a called meeting on Saturday, June 2.  Please email or send your comments to RE Donahoe and he will forward them to the other five members of the CSC.

So far, the CSC has held three meetings: February 26, March 20 and April 10.  On March 22, we sent draft 2 of our report to the 14 members of the Candidates and Credentials committees requesting feedback.  As of our April 10 meeting, three members had responded and all comments were positive.  We considered their comments and made other revisions to draft 2.

At the April 28 Stated Meeting of Presbytery, the CSC intends to make the following motion:

In keeping with the instructions given to it at the January Presbytery meeting, the CSC recommends that Presbytery call a special meeting for Saturday, June 2.  The meeting will be at Christ Covenant Church and will begin at 1:00 PM and adjourn by 4:30 PM.  At that June 2 called meeting, the CSC will present its final report and the Presbytery will consider any recommendations from the CSC.

Please feel free to contact any member of the CSC to share your comments on this issue or on the committee’s approach.

Heaven soon,


Howie Donahoe, CSC Secretary

2517 Rosegate Lane, Charlotte, NC 28270

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