Overtures to 29th General Assembly regarding Creation

Three Presbyteries have filed overtures asking the 29th General Assembly in Dallas to adopt certain positions on the issue of the length of creation days (Calvary, New River, Mississippi Valley). Below are the overtures as posted on PCANEWS.com.

OVERTURE 7 From Calvary Presbytery: "Require Exceptions for Views Other than Six 24-Hour Creation Days."

Whereas, the Presbyterian Church in America is a confessional church based upon the Westminster Standards; and

Whereas, our Confession of Faith states the time frame of God’s original creative activity with the phrase, "in the space of six days" (WCF 4:1); and

Whereas, growing historical evidence demonstrates the intent of the Westminster Assembly was to define the six creation days as 24-hour calendar days (At least 13 Westminster divines have been identified as attesting to a 24-hour creation day in their writings and recorded sermons; while none has been documented as holding to other time frames.); and

Whereas, the official position of Calvary Presbytery states that the doctrine of the Confessional standards of the Presbyterian Church in America explicitly asserts that the world was created by divine fiat, literally "in the space of six days." Because the Confession’s teaching on creation is unassailably grounded in Scripture, we joyfully proclaim that our preaching and teaching should conform to its content and emphases (Adopted October 24, 1995); and

Whereas, the 28th General Assembly affirmed that "…a diversity of views on creation days...is acceptable" thus, in essence, invalidating any definitive creedal statement; and

Whereas, it has been our historic practice during elder examinations to note any differences from our standards as exceptions to be discussed by the church court.

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the 29th General Assembly of the PCA declare that, with charity toward all our members, and with fidelity to the original authors of our confessional standards, and until evidence to the contrary is found, we understand the Westminster divines intended the phrase "in the space of six days" to specify that the six days of creation were days of normal duration with evening and morning; and

Be It Further Resolved, that, for the peace of the church, any future candidates who differ with this original meaning should request an exception to the sense of the Confession unless documentation that the Westminster divines held other views is firmly established or unless the Standards are duly amended; and

Be It Finally Resolved, that courts of original jurisdiction make these future determinations with care, charity, honesty, and impartiality.

Adopted by Calvary Presbytery on January 27, 2001.

Attested by: Charles E. Champion, Stated Clerk

OVERTURE 20 from New River Presbytery: "Allow Exceptions on Length of Creation Days"

Whereas, the 28th General Assembly rejected the unanimous recommendation of the Creation Study Committee to wait two years before taking any action on the subject of the interpretation of the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and 2; and

Whereas, the 28th General Assembly gave approval to an action which, while described by the Moderator as simply ‘pious advice,’ is being perceived by many in the denomination as pressure to approve candidates for office without regard to their views on these issues,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that New River Presbytery, voting at its 80th Stated Meeting in Roanoke, Virginia on November 10, 2000, hereby encourages and requests the 29th General Assembly of the PCA to take the following actions as additions and further explanation of the Assembly’s response to the Creation Study Committee report:

A. While the PCA recognizes both a historic and current diversity of views in the area of the length of creation days described in Genesis 1 and 2, it remains the primary and original responsibility of Presbyteries and Sessions to examine their candidates and determine if their views, no matter how diverse, are in accord with the Constitution of the church, and to determine if such views are exceptions.

B. Presbyteries and Sessions who define any other view than the 24-hour day view as an exception to the standards in this area, in keeping with the actions of the 14th General Assembly, Section 143-52, Report of the Committee of Commissioners on Judicial Business, are to make the determination as to whether the teaching of these defined exceptions may or may not be allowed.

C. Presbyteries and Sessions are counseled that, until such time as a view other than six, 24-hour solar day creation is adjudged to be out of accord with the fundamentals of the system of doctrine of the church through a change to the constitution, a final action in a judicial case, or the approval of a recommendation by a study committee, no officer should be refused ordination based on that exception alone.

Adopted by New River Presbytery on November 10, 2000, at its 80th Stated Meeting.

Attested by: Don K. Clements, Stated Clerk

OVERTURE 23 From Mississippi Valley Presbytery: "Require Exceptions for Views Other than Six 24-Hour Creation Days"

Whereas, the Bible, in Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11, and Exodus 31:17 teach that God created the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them in six days, and

Whereas, our doctrinal standards (WCF 4, LC 15, and SC 9) affirm that it pleased God, by the word of his power, to create the world and all things in the space of six days, and all very good.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, with charity toward all members and with fidelity to the original authors of our confessional standards, our understanding is that, unless evidence to the contrary is found, the Westminster Standards’ phrase "in the space of six days" means that the six days of creation were days of normal duration with evening and morning. Accordingly, for the peace of the church, any future candidates who differ with this original meaning should request an exception to the Confession, unless documentation that the Westminster Assembly meant otherwise is firmly established. We also pledge to make these future determinations, with care, charity, honesty and impartiality.

Adopted at the Stated Meeting of Mississippi Valley Presbytery on February 6, 2001.

Attested by: Roger G. Collins, Stated Clerk


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