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Instructions for candidates for the ministry who desire to come under the care of Central Carolina Presbytery.

To come under care you need to:

  1. Go before your session and share your testimony and sense of call to ministry to secure their recommendation. They then email that session recommendation to the chairman of candidates committee.

  2. Fill out an application to be received as a candidate for gospel ministry and email it to the chairman of candidates committee.
  3. Submit two references - preferably 1 from an elder who's seen you teach and the second from someone who's benefited from your teaching. Have those references emailed to the chairman of candidates committee.

The candidates committee meets approximately 3 weeks before each presbytery, please email to get specific details (date, time, location). All forms are due to the chairman at least 10 days prior to the meeting. Once the forms have been received the chairman will contact you with the time your interview is scheduled. At the committee you will give your testimony and sense of call to the ministry and answer questions from the committee The committee will then vote on whether to recommend that you be received as a candidate of the Central Carolina Presbytery and you will be assigned a committee representative (usually about 30 minutes total).

If the committee votes to recommend you then the administrative committee will schedule you to appear before the presbytery to give your testimony and sense of call for the whole presbytery (about 3 minutes this time) and then the presbytery will vote on approval.

If you wish to initiate an internship at the same time (which we strongly encourage), then complete the application for internship with your mentor and submit it with the other forms.

The current chairman of the Candidates Committee is:

Pastor Joshua Creason
704-312-5126 office

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All rights reserved.  Revised: February 15, 2025